Importante note

The information provided here cannot replace a medical consultation and examination.

Welcome to the chordoma information site!

The goal of these pages is to provide information about chordoma as one type of bone cancer, its treatment and prognosis for people suffering from this rare disease. Furthermore, the site should provide the oppportunity for networking and sharing of information. It presents information from scientific studies as well as about centers in Germany that offer treatment for this condition. The site's concept was perceived by Yvonne Rothemund who wished to make the information from the few existing studies and the treatment options of this rare disease accessible to the public. In memory of Yvonne, we maintain the site. We would be happy about any feedback and support, in particular about updates on new research findings. You may contact us here.



A study that was published in Nature in 2009 showed that a genetic modification is very likely responsible for development of familial chordoma. It is yet unclear which role this gen plays in the development of non-familial chordomas.